
Help Newcastle Elementary PTSA earn money just by using your Safeway Club Card!!!   eScrip is a hassle-free way for schools to raise funds through everyday purchases made at eScrip merchants.

It's Easy - Register Today!  Log on to and go to "sign up."  Designate our group to receive contributions. Our Group ID is #500004191 - Newcastle Elementary PTSA.  Register your Safeway (& Whole Foods) club cards. If you wish, you can also register any other cards you have from participating merchants (such as your Macy's, debit and other bank credit cards).

That's it! Just shop as you normally do. It's automatic! We can potentially receive hundreds of dollars from your participation alone! Grandparents, friends, and neighbors are also welcome to designate Newcastle Elementary PTSA to benefit from their shopping as well. Ask them to sign up and help raise easy money for our kids!



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